High Noon – Nap Time

High Noon - Nap Time

I recently completed a concept illustration for  a children’s book idea I’ve been developing. Without letting the cat out of the bag, the story-line involves a young boy who loves to daydream when faced with various obstacles throughout his day.

I’m looking for some writing talent to help complete the project, anyone interested? “High Noon – Nap Time” is the first of several images in the series.

“Jimmy Nutrition” Comic Book Cover

Jimmy Nutrition Cover
This is a digital cover illustration that was created for a client in support of healthy children’s nutrition. The characters were developed by me as explorer types, set out to uncover the secrets to healthy living.
Below is another cell from the same comic. By the way, Jimmy’s gun shoots coconut oil, (hence the white fluid oozing out from below the green monster), coconut oil = an antioxidant… kills bacteria… get it?
Jimmy Nutrition Frame 27