High Noon – Nap Time

High Noon - Nap Time

I recently completed a concept illustration for  a children’s book idea I’ve been developing. Without letting the cat out of the bag, the story-line involves a young boy who loves to daydream when faced with various obstacles throughout his day.

I’m looking for some writing talent to help complete the project, anyone interested? “High Noon – Nap Time” is the first of several images in the series.

“13 Lines Beneath A Lone Star” Alamo Illustration Completed

"13 Lines Beneath A Lone Star"

I was recently commissioned by poet Robert Durney to illustrate his historically based poem “13 Lines Beneath A Lone Star”, based on the 1836 Battle of the Alamo. I decided to create this piece digitally (for the purposes of reproduction) while drawing from elements of vintage children’s book illustrations, period pen and ink sketches, and even some older Disney styles. I will be updating the post with purchase information as soon as these prints are available through the author or publisher. Enjoy.

“The Sharp End” Book Cover Painting Completed


Finally completed, my most recent project, take a sneak peek at the cover artwork for “The Sharp End” from “The Great Undead War” book series, by internationally bestselling author Joe Nassise.

Here’s the series breakdown…

An alternate history zombie novel set during World War I that blends the take-no-prisoners heroic grit of Inglorious Basterds with the irreverent inventiveness of Dawn of the Dead…

… in all its steampunk glory.



HELLstalkers Book Series Goes Live!


The Cerberus Protocol Book Cover

Bestselling Authors Joseph Nassise and Jon F. Merz have launched the eagerly awaited HELLstalkers Series with Barnes & Noble. I was brought onto the project to illustrate the cover design for “The Cerberus Protocol” and create other pieces of collateral along with awesome designer Taylor Aldridge, (by the way, I had the honors of modeling for the cover design…)

Previewed is the original design which has been modified due to size constraints on the Barnes & Noble Nook Software, and a military style patch logo that I created for further branding purposes. Follow the link to more information on how to purchase the HELLstalker series and more books from both authors – HELLstalkers


cerberus patch